DJanGo wrote: 
> Hi,
> That seems a buggy Harddisk - btw. the Times that -defragmented-Disks
> are slow and defragmentation was on the todo List are far gone away.
> The have internal more speed than USB 1.1 / 2.0 can handle.
> Check the Drive - is it a 2.5 NotebookDrive?
> They tend to sleep to save batterypower...

I'm having the same issue with hi-rez files on 7.8.... went to 7.7 still
present! Here is the rub for me!!! The buffering is on the PC that has
squeeze play and the server software. Now if access the server 7.7 that
is HARDWIRED from another PC with squeeze play on it no issues buffering
hi-files!! Is a 3.0 GHz, win7(64), and 8 Gb ram PC unable to do both?

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