floepie wrote: 
> Very cool new feature for Spotify users in the new beta! With the now
> playing track, whether it be via one of the radio streams on Tune-in or
> other service or your own library, there is a menu feature called "On
> spotify".  You can use this to search either for the current title or
> artist in the Spotify database.  
> Real world scenario is as follows:  Spotify radio genre playback in
> Orange is not very good.  Some genres work and some don't, and the
> genres are often too broad.  So, I choose an internet stream instead
> that more suits my mood.  Once I bump up on a track that I like, I hit
> "On Spotify".  Once there, I go to artists, then scroll down to the
> bottom and start a radio station based on similar artists.  Now, I have
> better radio station than the previous one, and at higher bitrate to
> boot.

Do you have to have Spotify Premium in order for this to work? I'm
getting "Error reading headers:Server connection closed without sending
any data back at /<C:\PRO..." (and then something I cannot see).

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