Still monitoring....

Communication has been awful.  They haven't updated their Facebook page
(where they encourage folks to go for news) since March.  If you check
out the Olive One user forum, you'll see a lot of folks asking for
updates on delivery.  Many of these folks contributed to the original
Kickstarter campaign back in 2011.  It leads one to believe that Olive
has been having problems on the manufacturing end.  That surprises me
given that Olive is an established company.

The good news, however, is that some units appear to be getting
delivered.  A few user reviews have been posted, although not enough
detail to get a good feel for the product's capabilities.  Assuming
these are legitimate users, at least they aren't encountering setup

Checking out the feature requests, it appears that syncing multiple
devices is still on the drawing board.  I think the software is pretty
rudimentary (compared to LMS and it's suite of plug-ins).  This is based
on several questions I posted on the Facebook page about features I
consider "must haves" for any device I adopt.  The company at least is
asking for input on future development, so if they ever get this thing
off the ground, maybe they'll do a better job on that front than I've
seen with Sonos.

I'd be curious if anyone has observed anything different than what I've
seen to date?

2-SB3s, 1-Duet, 1-Touch...and an iPeng convert.
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