Possibly interesting but doesn't look like anything near the finished
article and not what I'm looking for. 

I suppose what I really want is something very similar to the Touch but
with a screen twice the size and a remote you don't need a teenager with
a magnifying glass to use (to see the tiny buttons and even tinier

Let's see what's my needs are ...
1. Large screen that displays album artwork
2. Large remote with well laid out buttons. The Touch fails miserably on
all counts - the buttons are not laid out well, they are too small and
the writing can only be seen with assistance - all presumably because
they insisted on making it the same size as the Touch so that they would
fit into the same outer box
3. Streaming FLAC and other lossless files from a PC and to be able to
handle a large library
4. Stream radio from the internet
5. Handle extensive tagging 
6. Best audio quality, without the need to add external DAC

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