kllngtme wrote: 
> Well, I want her to be able to play music and that's it. haha. So I was
> just looking for a player. Squeezeplay is a nice interface without
> getting involved with the server settings. It's more so a player so it's
> easier for people who have no idea what they are looking at. Otherwise,
> I'm thinking she might think settings at the bottom is actually settings
> for her player or something.. I dunno, I don't care if she has the login
> to the server, I just would rather her only see a player, and not get
> confused by the actual server settings and stuff.

You are looking for SqueezeSlave which is a headless player but there
has to be a control interface somewhere. She could use SSlave from a
command line and then use OrangeSqueeze/Ipeng for the control

Alternately, you could just tell her what not to mess with.

If she uses SoftSqueeze, you can rename her player and then disable
SETTINGS in the Settings/Player/Menu panel... In fact, you could turn
off everything except NowPlaying and MuscLibrary..


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