CommanderROR wrote: 
> @remd
> I'm trying to figure this out now...
> Is your ickstream system a replacement for So, is it a
> kind of online server that we'd have to subscribe to if we want to use
> the new plugins?
> Or are the Plugins real LMS plugins that run locally on our LMS Server
> devices (like the Triode Spotify Plugin)?
> The reason I ask:
> lives at the mercy of Logitech. Ickstream would live at
> the mercy of whoever is behind it, but LMS Plugins live forever, no
> matter what. They might not get updated anymore and eventually might
> lose compatibility with the corresponding service, but they would not
> rely on a (cost intensive) server infrastructure like Mysqueezebox and a
> Dev could always pick up the code and continue to work on them.
> So, where are you heading with this? The information found in your blog
> and occasional posts leaves me with more questions than answers... ;)

It can get a little bit more complicated . some service would not really
like to have thier "secret handshake" running on open source software at
the end users machines . So the secret part must in some cases run
elsewhere .

They actually want to deal with a commercial entity if its not their
very own implementation .

They are happy to handle help and APi keys to Sonos or Logitech or
whatnot but not "John Doe" the hobby developer .

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