I had a similar problem a while back, and have not found a definite
answer as of yet, though listening/testing time is somewhat limited.  

What seemed to make a big difference was swapping LMS over, from an old
XP celeron 1.2, to a dedicated LMS win8 pentium D machine, (wired touch,
wireless SB2), however, every now and then (not often) I do get a skip
to the next track.

I was thinking it was a processing glitch, the 1.2 was having a bit of
trouble, and the fresh more powerful D managed much better...
(my network card in the D does however need unplugging and re-plugging
to register on the network, 50% of the time when turning on the machine,
it may well have smaller hick ups when on too causing the skips..?)

The old win98 laptop wired (softsqueeze) in the garage does skip rather
a lot in comparison to the SB2 and touch.


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