pippin wrote: 
> Good point. This _should_ be doable. Maybe we'll write a little tool for
> this (or someone else has fun doing it). All one needs is a way to parse
> the OPML file into ids for the respective services and then create
> ickStream ids from it which is usually straightforward. I'm doing
> something similar in iPeng to play links from facebook or blogs or
> create links to be posted on fb or twitter.
> But for now a first step would be to have an "on ickStream" favorites
> item to actually use ickStream favorites in LMS.
> That seems to be some LMS 7.7.4 issue, others seem to see that, two,
> there's a thread about it somewhere.

Thanks pippin. I'm actually running LMS 7.7.3 so I presume the same
problem applies to that as well?


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