I have a Squeezebox Classic, running firmware 137, server is 7.7.5. 
I've been running it over wifi for many years.

Recently I experienced the problem of the player randomly resetting,
sometimes skipping.  I read up on the forums, did factory resets and
xilinx programs, didn't help.  So I switched from a wireless to an
ethernet connection.  The player has no problem seeing the server and
the music, but when I hit Play, it switches to play mode but doesn't
play.  The track counter isn't moving and there's nothing on the level

If I switch back to wifi, no problem (except for the intermittent issues
mentioned).  I'm using the exact same static IP and other connection
settings.  It's connected through a router acting as a wireless access
point to my main router.  Switch back to ethernet, sees the music, won't

Any suggestions?


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