
I've just created an m3u playlist (with FB2K) which references my
library on USB HD E:\

I then realised that the laptop I will be using for up coming event has
duplicate library on USB HD F:\


So I have changed the drive letter of event laptop USB HD music library
to same as netbook (on which I created the playlist) e.g. E:\

I assume this should work OK ?

However the drive previously allocated to E: on the event laptop is the
CD/DVD drive (which I have now changed to H:) - but there is quite
extensive software installed on this laptop, some of which was installed
from CDs/DVDs when the drive letter was E:  I suspect this will cause
issues should I need to insert these discs again ?

So basically is there a clever way you can change the root drive of an
m3u playlist, or will I have to recreate it manually on the event laptop
(should I want to change the CD/DVD drive back to E: again) ?


::::Touch x 2, Booms x 2, SqueezeCommander on Galaxy S3  (Duet Receiver
+ Controllers x 2 - semi-retired)
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