dbinfl wrote: 
> One drawback is that the lookup of a currently playing song on other
> services (e.g. Pandora is playing, look up the song on Rhapsody) doesn't
> include Spotify in the list of lookup sources.  I added lots of stuff to
> Rhapsody over the years with this feature.

You don't happen to use iPeng, don't you?
Because that has a global search feature at least for tracks in the
current playlist. Through that you can search for the album or artist of
a track also on Spotify. It's more or less like these "on whatever"
hooks just with the intermediate step of having to select the service

I just used that to migrate my Rhapsody library to Spotify because I,
too, decided it's time to leave Rhapsody, I have barely ever used it in
the last years anymore and if it now also stops to work on most of my

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
Logitech UE Smart Radio as well as iPeng Party, the free Party-App, 
at penguinlovesmusic.com
*New: iPeng 8, the Universal App for iOS 7 and iOS 8*
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