I went the other way as I figured it wouldn't be too bad once I got over
the pain of the initial backup.  However, I've still not yet managed a
full backup of my data!

I decided to use pbackup.sf.net to do incremental backups of my data to
dvds.  I use Nero's packet writer, InCD, to do the writing to DVDs. 
Sadly, InCD has crashed every time I've tried so far.


pfarrell Wrote: 
> Since 300GB disks are selling for well under $100
> its a no brainer decision for me. 100GB of data is going to
> take 25 or so DVDs and that is a lot of disk shuffling


The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
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