vanye wrote: 
> Yes, Roon will be interesting to at least testdrive, once they have an
> iPad app, provide an image to use Rasperrys as endpoints - and ideally a
> dedicated Linux image for the server application. Until then, though,
> I'll take a "wait and see" stance.
> After all, it's not like us LMS users are starved for great UX.

I agree.
I'm too waiting for "headless" RoonServer, Ipad app, and Rasperrys (or
similar endpoints) image, to begin with a Roon testdrive.
According to,
some if not all of these points are coming soon.

SqueezeBoxServer 7.9 / ReadyNas Pro (x86) | SBTouch - SB3 - Duet - Boom
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