cliveb wrote: 
> I was the person who reported that bug, and it was fixed years ago in
> SqueezeCentre (or possibly SlimServer), long before it was renamed LMS.
> (Briefly: ReplayGain tags include a PEAK value that the playback
> software should take into account when processing positive GAIN tags,
> such that the gain is backed off if it would introduce clipping.
> SlimServer was failing to take this into account).

Why is it called "Replay Gain" anyway when invariably its a negative. It
should be Replay Loss :)

Sensibly LMS and other control apps translate the tag to "Volume

*Vortexbox LMS 7.8 music on QNAP TS419p via NFS* -
*Living Room* - SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 connected Digitally - > Celestion
Ditton F20s - and connected Analogue for Zone 2 -> Sony TA FE 320 ->
Sennheiser RS 130
*Office* - SB3 -> Sony TA FE320 -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom
*Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - SB Touch -> Topping TP21 -> AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - Amazon Fire TV (SB Player) -> Topping TP20 ->
Wharfedale Modus Cubes
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