
I think CCA can augment LMS in two different ways:

1) is like Philippe_44 said above. It's a cheap, maintenance free Player
for LMS, and if the Cast protocol takes off (which seems likely right
now) it can expand LMS Player territory beyond thr DIY crowd. You can
pick up speakers from LG, Denon, Sony or others and they'll all work
with the same protocol. 
CCA itself can connect to any active speakers, amp or DAC, so it's
pretty versatile, and it consts A LOT less than Sonos Connect and
similar systems... 

2) is even better...because LMS is really great at handling local media,
stuff you have on network storage somewhere, however, support for
Streaming Services is failing. New services won't be included, and new
features of existing ones often don't get added either. So, for local
media LMS can augment CCA (since the focus there is clearly on
streaming) and CCA can augment LMS by giving you support for streaming 
services, right from their respective apps. Deezer, Spotify, TuneIn,
Rdio, Play Music, Qobuz etc... They are already onboard, and others will
surely follow. 

I hope that helps you understand the "buzz" this drvice created...

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