I've started using a service called iBroadcast. It offers unlimited free
storage of music for streaming to devices, with plans for future premium
No idea what their eventual business model will be, but I asked about
possibilities for a plugin for the Squeezebox server and this was the

"We're always looking for ways to make our service more usable for our
users so we'll definitely look at the Squeezebox server. In the meantime
it's worth noting that the calls to our server aren't hidden which means
that it's already possible for someone from the community or forum to
use those to create an app or plugin like the one you're talking about.
If we get enough interest from the forum then we could also look at
supporting a native app as well."

Note, I don't think their knowledge of LMS is any better than mine!!

So, since Google isn't letting us stream from "play music", maybe this
might be a good option?

So, perhaps some enterprising forum genius could look at make a plugin,
since they say it's already open? Pleeeeease. :)

Note: I have no affiliation with the company. I just messaged them on
their facebook account.

charlesr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3312
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=104601

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