d6jg wrote: 
> If you can't get a proper VPN going and given that iPeng works I'd
> suggest leaving that running via the SSH tunnel (as I assume you want to
> be able to use that anywhere) but as far as streaming at work using
> squeezelite is concerned why don't you just set up explicit port
> forwarding rules on your router 9000 TCP & 3483 TCP & UDP for the work
> IP address only or are they blocked outbound?

The squeezelite answer is possibly 3483 UDP - just read elsewhere that
iPeng doesn't need it but other players do - I expect you haven't
forwarded it have you?

*Vortexbox LMS 7.8 music on QNAP TS419p via NFS* iThingys/iPeng/Tablets
*Living Room* - SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 - > Celestion Ditton F20s - Zone 2 ->
Sony TA FE 320 -> Sennheiser RS 130 & B&W P7
*Office* - RPi -> Sony TA FE320 -> Celestion F10s / SB3 -> Onkyo CRN 755
-> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom *Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - SB Touch -> Topping TP21 -> AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - Amazon Fire TV (SB Player) -> Topping TP20 ->
Wharfedale Modus Cubes
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