Just got an Amazon Echo, and wanted to post how I got it to control the
squeezeboxen. It's a little hairy and requires a bit of a work around to
get it to do specific commands (for instance, playing a specific station
or genre requires you to program each genre individually), but it's
worth while since I only listen to a few pandora stations. You can
theoretically get it to do anything you'd like.

As a side note, a great way to intercept commands from logitech media
server's web interface is using firebug to see what post/get details are
sent when you submit a command. That's how I stole the pandora details.

Step 1. Connect your amazon echo to IFTTT.com

Step 2. Port Foward 9000 to your media server. Make sure it's password

Step 3. Add alexa commands to IFTTT, use alexa as the trigger, and Maker
as the THAT channel.

Note: You'll need the mac address of your players if you want to control
them individually.


Alexa trigger squeezebox pause kitchen

Maker url:


Alexa trigger squeezebox ambient

(this will play the ambient station on pandora, the values may differ
per account)


There's a good list of GET variables you can send to your server here:

Hope this helps, if anybody has questions I'll try to answer them.

1 Touch
2 Receivers
1 Controller
1 Radio
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