HokieKev wrote: 
> I am thinking about doing this. Do you have some good links to the
> directions on how to build? I am particularly interested in getting a
> good looking case to make it look decent. Also, did you use the latest
> version of the Pi? Or an older version? I wonder if the responsiveness
> of the latest version is better and if there are any other advantages.

I bought the Pi, case, and the DAC from the hifiberry site.

They have various cases, but of course you need one that's compatible
with the L/R audio outputs from the DAC.

I built mine with various options from this page

The Pi is the Model 2B

The software was from here:

You literally download it, use a simple tool to burn it on to the SD
card (so it's a bootable image/card), plug everything together, then off
you go.

Really couldn't be simpler.

Just make sure you remember that if you use a wifi adapter with the Pi,
it has a different IP address to the ethernet! :) I forgot about that
and caused myself a few minutes of head-scratching...

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