pfarrell Wrote: 
> On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 19:39 -0800,
> The answer depends on your OS and level of paranoia.
> I'm a Linux guy, and I'm pretty (or maybe very) paranoid.
> So I first make a copy of all the important files,
> including copying the whole slimserver tree.
> Pat


I don't mean to drag this thread off topic, but just had to ask...

Who's version of Linux are you running and what GUI are you using?

I am a recent convert to Xandros desktop. I'm not sure what Linux
kernel it uses, but it appears to have a highly modified KDE front end.
Their business edition networks really well with Bill's OS. I am
thrilled with it.  I am running Slimserver mainly as a management tool
for my SB2.  I don't rip CDs.  I'm a big SqueezeNetwork listener.

I'm asking not only because I'm interested in the general Linux
question, but Xandros screams compared to my Dell with Bill's OS and I
have an old Compaq I think I'm going to setup with Xandros and

Thanks, in advance,

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