Michael, a few questions for you or anyone else who has the answer. I
read on the Developers forum the following you posted in response to a
Spotify question some weeks ago:

> LibSpotify has been considered deprecated since 2015 and will be shut
> down in 2017
> All current spotify plugins are libspotify based, so they will cease
> function...

You responded:

>Yep, that will be the end. Unfortunately for the Radio/Touch, too, as 
>they are using libspotify in the firmware.

>Who's taking the challenge to come up with the first librespot based 
>plugin (https://github.com/plietar/librespot)?...

My first question is when you updated the Spotify app a year or so ago,
that this update used the new librespot library so for those of us using
Spotify through the MSB interface and running a radio or touch we would
be OK. Your recent post seems to indicate that the hardware firmware
will need an update which is unlikely, correct?

My second question is do you have a date when we will loose Spotify and
are there any other options available? I read about Ickstream but it
doesn't seem to have a Spotify implementation fully developed yet or
even if it is still being supported.

Thanks, Bill

*Server:* HP Pavilion (AMD E-450 CPU) running Vortexbox v2.4 and LMS
*Family Room:* Touch > Pioneer AV Receiver > Infinity Reference Speakers

*Living Room:*  Squeezebox Radio x2 (configured as separate left and
*Master Bedroom:* UE Squeezebox Radio x2 (configured as separate left
and right)
*Media Room:* Touch > Sony AV Receiver > Infinity Reference Speakers 
*Home Office:* UE Squeezebox Radio
*Controller:* Nextbook HD8 tablet, Orange Squeeze. *Streaming:* Spotify
*Spares:* Touch x1, Radio x3
Mr. Bill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58928
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107240

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