Oh no! Amazon have killed "Music in the cloud" for me. This is really
terrible. I had setup my NAS to sync my music files to the cloud - all
was great.

Now they changed the game, no more unlimited and I would have to pay 180
Dollars for my storage, so obviously I will not renew my plan.
What a shame, to think of all the time it took to upload to the cloud,
now just having to use an oldfashioned backup on drive again.

Two things I loved about the cloud - being able to stream my music on
the go and second immediate backup of my files. With a disc that is
stored at my workplace, I will probably only do a backup every month or
so - knowing myself probably even less than that.
That could mean loosing many files in a worstcase scenario.

Ridiculous going from unlimited to 1TB, in our day and age. They got us
to use and upload files and know they are trying to get us to pay more
and more.

LMS 7.9.0 - 1470391720 on Pi2 (Max2play)
Synology DS-414 NAS
Squeezebox Touch, Squeezebox Boom, Squeezebox Radio, HifiBerry
Schiit - BIFROST AKM 4490 Dac
Spotify Premium
Squeezemenicely's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41812
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107345

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