drmatt wrote: 
> I think they rarely go full scale DC for any number of samples on any
> recordings,  they are pushing it too hot but it's compression not
> "distortion" as such, (though we choose to call it such because we are
> pedants..) so wouldn't see that level of distortion.
> Extreme compression is pretty horrible and results in a deeply
> unpleasant sound however.
> -Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

I don't know, when they compress it and run it at the limits
(volume-wise), it is pretty noisy.  Maybe not distorted, but definitely
not what was intended.  

Regardless, I miss the time when bands and musicians actually used
dynamics as an element to their music. The steady volume levels of music
these days is what really ruins it for me.  And why does music need to
be distributed at such loud levels.  It isn't like we don't have the
ability to change the volume ourselves.  But now I am just ranting, and
those complaints are beyond the fact CD's are dying.

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