The files are downloaded.  The album folder is 596 MB.  Each file song
name has .aiff on the end.  Under "kind" of file is listed "AIFF-C


I don't think I made my question clear.  What I meant was:   If it's a
permissions problem linked to a particular computer, why can I easily
open and play the album on either my work mac or home mac?
And also, if it's a permissions problem linked to a single computer, 
how would I ever play the files in either case, no matter what mac I
used to download?  Because whatever computer I use to download from, I
will still be copying it on to an external music driver hooked up to the
Pi, and won't be using the original mac to play the files anyway.  
That's what has me confused about your suggestion.

I'll try the step you suggested.  Thanks.

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