RAM almost certainly won't be the root cause, LMS doesn't use that much
(~500MB for LMS should be ample. To make sure, check
settings>performance if you even have enabled high memory settings, and
check actual usage with e.g htop), and for a scan, memory-based caching
is basically irrelevant anyway.

Memory is super important during a scan. With a library the size of echable's the difference between high and max can be massive.

echable: looking at the scanner stats, how are those hours distributed? Is there one step which takes considerably longer on one system vs. the other?

One possible reason might be the write speed of the storage where the
LMS databases are located. If e.g. they are on the EMMC storage on the
XU4 and on a slow HDD on the NAS, this will make quite a difference.

This is particularly true if you run low on memory.


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