mherger wrote: 
> > 
> Well, there obviously is no such folder in your system, is there? You'd
> have to set it in the "source specific settings" or similar.
> -- 
> Michael

No there isn't. I figured that out by using "search function". The big Q
is if this really would work outside a Touch context? I tried and made a
"media" folder with a *.jpg file in it and put it in a whole lot of
different locations associated to the squeezeplay install but not any of
the locations I tried seemed to work. To my knowledge there is only two
locations where Squeezeplay places it's "stuff" during an install 1: in
the "program" folder and 2: in the "settings" folder. They naturally is
to be found in a bit different locations depending if one install on a
Mac or in Windows. (have no clue regarding Linux) 
And further I then tried change in the named "source specific setting";
e.g. I changed from "/media" to a couple of different names like
"/squeezeplay", "/jive", "userpath/squeezeplay" but then when I go back
in the Squeezeplay menu to "image viewer>browse media it's exactly the
same error message whatever I write down in "source specific settings"
(i.e "cannot open folder: /media") which is a bit odd isn't?... :-/ i.e
squeezeplay seemingly doesn't "buy" the change from "/media" to whatever
else I set there.

There's something I completely miss here and I for sure isn't
knowledgeable enough to figure this out by myself. First and foremost is
this "browsing in a local folder" function working on a Touch? 
If yes, can one change the "media" folder to some other folder on the
same Touch and it still would work? Then if this actually IS working
what would be the equivalent folder one could use on a OSX/WIN install??
I hope maybe Ralphy could have the answers if this is suppose to work or
not? And if it is, EXACTLY what should one write down in the "source
specific settings"? 
>From the info I managed to gather; this function is suppose to work on a
Touch from either a inserted SD card OR a USB HDD plugged into the Touch
so I figure could it be that there must be a "line" that needs to be
changed somewhere in one of those many "lua" files that I understand has
everything to do with how the Squeezeplay behaves?

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