IMO LMS remains the best and most advanced streaming server in
There are a few that come close in some areas but none that succeed in
all areas. I have never tried Asset so can’t comment specifically but I
very much doubt it comes close.
There are loads of alternatives that you can use as replacement
Squeezeboxes  - some are directly supported but many more devices are
supported with Phillipe’s range of plugins.

Is your question really - what off the shelf devices support LMS?

See DAC32 in 3rd Party Hardware for the latest off the shelf player

[B]Living Room* Joggler & Pi4/Khadas  -> Onkyo TXNR686 -> Celestion F20s

*Office* Joggler & Pi3 -> Denon RCD N8 -> Celestion F10s 
*Dining Room* SB Boom 
*Kitchen* UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* Pi Zero+DAC ->ToppingTP21 ->AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV) & Bathroom* SB Touch ->Denon AVR ->Mordaunt Short M10s +
Kef ceiling speakers
*Guest Room* Joggler > Topping Amp -> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
Everything controlled by iPeng & Material on iOS
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