rkrug wrote: 
> I do not think I think I really need m3u files, but I would like to have
> the 5 hour concert marked / split into individual tracks so that I can
> access the individual tracks. I remember, that an m3u accompanying the
> audio (in my case after extraction as aaa, converted to Flac)  would be
> one option, but I would be open (and prefer) the splitting into
> individual files.

LMS has playlist processing. With somehting like CUE file - the cue file
is processed to create virtual tracks from a single audio file (e.g.

If your mpeg-4 audio file was processed to create a virtual track list 
- would that meet your requirements ? or do you really want the file
split into separate files which can then be playable by LMS.

The issue is whether the task is an LMS code addon or the use of
external tools and if equally acceptable then which is simpler.


There are different version of chapters.  For example, is this an old
Quicktime file or a modern MP4G-4 with "chpl" atoms. (i.e how was it

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