Well, thank you all very much for this. I have purchased a DAC32 (no
display does not worry me as I use the wonderful Orange Lab apps on my
Android phone). I have also found a top-end hifi repair person in my own
village (!!) who now has my SB+. He even ti=urns out to be the son of a
friend of mine. Link below for anyone in the UK in need of those sorts
of services.

I am still accumulating all the Naim kit but when I have it and running
I am hoping to be able to borrow a Naim NDS or NDX. If I can I am going
to compare the three head units. I am no audiophile but to me the olive
Naim kit sounds completely different to any other set up. It seems to
have an inherent swing and sex that makes even music I don't like sound
good. And the sublime sound of the Shahinian Arcs (omni-directional and
perfect for my 'difficult' lounge') complement the Naim kit perfectly (I
really don't like the Naim speakers I've heard). I've not yet tried Naim
streamers but for plain lush listenability, in my old setup, their CD
Player, the CDX beat the socks of any streamers I tried. It'll be
interesting to see if their streamer does the same thing. I bloody well
hope not as the cost is crippling (thank God for Bitcoin!).

Again. thanks very much.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known
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