Assume I configure one player as and call it "Main Player"
and set its library to media/usb/MyMusic . And I configure the other
player as, call it "Alt Player" and set its library as

You won't really have two libraries. That's why I often refer to them as "library views". You'd have one LMS managing one library. But within that one library you can define views, which basically are filters to what a player would see. But then yes, you could have "Main Player" only see view 1, and "Alt Player" see view 2. It's not a hard limit, but really a UI choice: when controlling a player you can define what you want to see.

It may be that the critical part of my question can be abbreviated this
way: Can the Library View selected also determine which items are
shuffled by "Don't stop the music"?

It really depends on what mixer you're using with DSTM. DSTM really only is an enabler which allows other plugins to make the music not stop. It's infrastructure only. What content would be played depends on what plugin you use to manage the DSTM feature. Eg. Spotty obviously would not be limited to a library, as it would pull in content from the x millions tracks available on Spotify. So... what mixer are you using?
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