cliveb wrote: 
> Understatement of the year!
> vi vi vi is the number of the beast for good reason.

I probably should have added that if you are already familiar with vi,
it is merely annoying and counter-productive.

Of course, there are some who love it. There was a time when I used
edlin in DOS, so I understand how vi could be seen as a vast
improvement. But it boggles my mind that anyone could prefer it.

All of this is entirely off-topic for the OP's question, but I hope by
now he has settled on WinSCP, as recommended by Jim, or installed nano,
if he's already familiar with that.

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.
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