Chances are if you have changed some setting reloading firmware won't
do anything, as all of  those settings are stored on the server side
in the config file.

Have you tried "Forget this player" from the web interface / and or
hand editing the prefs file to remove the player and restarting?


On 12/8/05, PoW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After messing around with cli display commands last night.  I woke up
> this morning and did not have the ability to play music on my sb2.  I
> know the tracks are fine and I have tried both internet radio and
> normal files off my server.
> Basically the radio sits there in 'play' mode but no audio plays.  The
> visualizations sit still with no output.  I connected to the server
> with softsqueeze and tried playing the same files and everything worked
> fine.
> I have reset the server and powered up and down my sb2 a few times now
> and it is still responding in this way.  Is there a way I can do a more
> intensive reset of the sb2, maybe force the reload of some firmware or
> something along those lines.  Thanks.
> -PoW
> --
> PoW
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