Kyle Wrote: 
> Jeff, I checked your link, and your product looks very interesting, but
> I couldn't really figure out what type of hardware it requires or what
> kind of costs are involved.  Does this work through CAT-5 wiring?  I
> have a Russound system and have been trying to figure out how to
> incorporate better control of SB3.  I don't want to rewire my house. 
> Can 1 CAT-5 be split to two different devices?

NetLinx, in terms of the Squeezebox, uses TCP/IP from the NetLinx
controller to the SlimServer software running on your computer.  So you
need nothing further than TCP/IP (Ethernet), a NetLinx controller, and
some flavor of touchpanel.  See for further information on
hardware choices.  As I said, there's a variety of hardware at a
variety of price points.

NetLinx systems are automation systems.  If you start doing rich
control of other items in your home (i.e. Audio/Video systems, HVAC,
lighting, etc), then other wiring may be needed, depending on what
those devices need (I/R, RS-232, etc).

-- Jeff

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