Guys, there's some misunderstanding here about how DHCP works.  I do not
believe that toonartist's issue has anything to do with DHCP.  DHCP
leases are typically 2 hours, but certainly can be configured at will. 
Regardless, DHCP renew's occur at 1/2 the lease time, to ensure
uninterrupted service using the current IP.  The client will continue
to request a renewal until it is granted one.  Only a broken DHCP
server will reject the request for the same IP address, and it should
allow the renewal using the same IP.  Only when there are
administrative reasons, or a broken DHCP server would a new IP be

The disconnect every 10 minutes, if it is that regular is interesting. 
If this was the station or some intermediate router issues, you'd expect
to see less regular disconnects.

I can't tell from your post if you have a PC running slimserver, or if
you are using squeezenetwork.  Either way, to diagnose, I would using
something like pingplotter to watch 30 minutes worth of network
activity to the inet radio station, while playing that station as well.
Pay attention to when the drop occurs and see if there is a
coresponding network hicup.

If you know how to use a command shell, you can take a look at your
netstat info to see what connection you have while the radio is
playing, and see what happens to that connection immediately after it

Lots of other things to test, but this should get you started.

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