ceejay Wrote: 
> 6: http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2701 - Need ability to
> browse multiple tags in flexible order (Multi-Level Browse)
> Of these, the last one is the most important - the others either lay
> necessary foundations or are interim measures.

Okay, see, and this is why I'm so irritated at the weakening of Browse
Music Folders in recent versions -- with the old Browse Music Folders,
you could do arbitrary multi-level browse just by arranging your files
properly, and that's a very useful thing to do.  (As it stands, you can
still do it, but you have to accept an ugly UI, which I won't.)

A well-supported arbitrary tag multi-level browse feature would be even
nicer, though, due to the extra flexibility.  I'd expect it'd be
substantially harder to implement than just de-sucking the Browse Music
Folders, though....

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