After giving myself a six-month breather from the SB waiting for the
software to mature, I hooked up my SB1 last night and I'm having
problems.  I'm willing to accept that the problem is with my
configuration but I need a little help with the diagnosis.

The problem: audio playback will pause/choke for 5-10 seconds every few

The setup:
File Server Computer: Windows 2000 PC, P3-500 with 512MB RAM and one
250GB EIDE hard drive, 10/100 card.  The server is not running any
hosting services, it's merely a Windows 2K server with an active shared

SlimServer Computer: (version downloaded last night, but not a nightly)
Mac Mini running OS 10.4 with all updates, 1.42GHz G4, 1GB RAM, 10/100
card.  The Mac isn't used for anything other than e-mail, iTunes, etc. 
I'm not running bittorrent clients or anything nutty that would eat up
the bandwidth.

Both servers are hooked to a Linksys router/WAP/switch combo (WAP 54G,
I believe) with the latest firmware (factory).  All the cables check
out and are terminated T568-B (as though it matters).

I'm running SlimServer on the Mac Mini because I use iTunes on the Mac
with my iPod.  The iTunes .xml file is stored on the Mac Mini but the
music files are on a network share on the file server.  

I'm using the analog outputs of the SB1, not the digital.  Library
scanning doesn't take very long but I have approximately 500 CDs ripped
in APPLE LOSSLESS.  Streaming from Internet radio sources seems to be
working just fine so I'm leaning towards a file transfer bottleneck
somewhere.  On the other hand, I can open iTunes on the Mac and stream
music off the server just like it were on the local hard drive without
a hint of hiccup.

Is the problem:

1.  Buffering problems with large file sizes over the network
2.  Bottleneck caused by the (presumably) slow file server
3.  Bottleneck caused by the file transfer twixt server & Mac
4.  Slimserver in general
5.  SB1 in general
6.  Network Topography
7.  SlimServer being separated from music files on a different machine
8.  Sunspots
9.  Other


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