Have you tried LastFM? as far as I can tell it does a similar thing to
Pandora and definitely connects to SlimServer using James Craigs
fantastic plugin.

It can be flaky on some days but generally I get a good service.


This line on the FAQ suggests that streaming might not be possible 

Q: Can I listen to Pandora on my stereo?

Pandora delivers high quality 128Kbps audio streams and they'll sound
great on your stereo. All you need to do is plug your laptop or
computer's audio output into a stereo input. You may need to get a
cable to do that (Radio Shack). They usually cost less than ten

Another great way to get Pandora to your stereo is to use an FM
transmitter. We've heard good things about the RocketFM from Griffin


However I could be wrong, it has been known....


"After intensive investigation (comma) of the markings on the alien pod
(comma) it has become clear (comma) to me (comma) that we are dealing
(comma) with a species of awesome intellect (colon)."
"Good. Perhaps they might be able to give you a hand with your

- Rimmer and Holly
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