I've had my Squeezebox 3 for a few weeks and I'm extremely happy with
it. The hardware works great, and I'm continually impressed by the
design and hard work that has gone into the SlimServer software. I
don't even have time to delve into all the great features I could be

The only thing that's been an irritant to me--and I admit it is
minor--is the design and placement of the volume buttons on the remote.
In the spirit of providing feedback to the Slim Devices engineers and
suggestions for improvement, I'd like to provide my thoughts. (If this
is the wrong place to post this, I'd appreciate someone letting me know
where suggestions belong)

1) I'd like the volume buttons to be more conveniently located. I find
I have to stretch across the remote to reach them. I'd rather have the
volume buttons within easy reach. At the very least I'd move the volume
buttons to the right and have them swap places with the power button,
which doesn't need to be accessed as often. (I'm right-handed, as are
the majority of people)

2) Even more fundamentally, I find the labeling/placement of the volume
buttons to be very un-intuitive. Volume up and down are indicated with
up and down carets (^) yet the buttons are placed side-by-side, rather
than vertically which would make the button arrangement consistent with
the icons. Every time I want to change the volume I have to do a mental
"double-take" to make sure I hit the right button.

The recommendation would be either (1) to change the labels on the
buttons to right and left carets ( <  and > ), using the convention
that the caret pointing right means higher volume, or better yet,(2) to
place the buttons in a vertical arrangement with the top button being
"up" volume (^).

I hope this feedback helps. Other than this little thing, everything's
been fabulous.

Lawrence's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2667
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19212

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