I'm unable to login successfully via the CLI when SlimServer has
Password Protection enabled.  I'm using the command:
login malgre test
i.e. username = malgre and password = test.  This login works OK via
the web interface.
The server responds with:
login malgre ******
but then immediately drops the connection.

I've enabled d_cli and this produces the output below.  Is there
something I'm doing wrong?  If not, I'll log it as a bug.


2006-01-27 10:55:08.0256 CLI: Accepted connection from (1 active connections)
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8880 CLI: Parsing command: Found command, value
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8881 CLI: Parsing command: Found param [1], value
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8881 CLI: Parsing command: Found param [2], value
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8881 CLI: Processing command [login]
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8883 CLI: Response: login malgre ******
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8884 CLI: Sending response...
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8885 CLI: No more messages to send to
2006-01-27 10:55:09.8887 CLI: Closed connection with
(0 active connections)

malgre's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=397
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20457

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