
The 6.2.2 nightly release should work with 10.2.8 (there was a bug in 6.2.1 that was fixed), but it will be the last release that does.

After that release, we'll be dropping support for the 10.2 line of Mac OS. Consider upgrading to 10.3 or 10.4 (10.3 upgrade disks can be found for about $50 online).

On Jan 28, 2006, at 1:11 PM, MartinP wrote:

With the help of the Slim Devices support people I was able to confirm
that Slimserver 6.2 is not compatible with OS X 10.2.8, so I installed
Slimserver 6.1.1. Rebooting the machine was necessary before the
browser connection could be made, but now the server is running
smoothly. I am able to stream nicely to the current version of
Softsqueeze, 2.3, though it probably expects to be talking to
Slimserver 6.2.

I'm a bit concerned whether a new Squeezebox will be compatible with
this older version of Slimserver, though.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MartinP's Profile: userid=3513
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