JJZolx Wrote: 
> From internal photos of the Squeezebox2 it appears the display in that
> model was mounted to another board by the same pins.  And _that_ board
> was connected to the mainboard by a cable.  I'm guessing that some
> electronics to drive the display have been moved from that display
> mounting board onto the SB3's mainboard.  So it looks like it would be
> difficult or impossible to separate the display from the mainboard and
> mount the electronics of an SB3 into a case other than one several
> inches tall.  Sound about right?

Actually that is about right. SB2 had a separate display module
connected to the main board by a removable flex cable.  In SB3 there is
no separate board for the display, the glass is mounted directly to the
main board. (The glass is what I was suggesting NOT to remove - SB2's
flex-connected module is easy to remove).

Here's the SB2 dissection:


Sorry I don't have a full set of photos like this for SB3.

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