I am (er ... will be) using the ePods to control my newly-arrived
Squeezeboxes, I have two ePods and (as of today) two Squeezeboxes. 
Over the past few months, I've taken the handheld skin and re-written
it to make it more ePods-friendly, adding color, formatting it to
better fit the screen, larger fonts, merging the status and playlist
screens, etc ... which was an interesting task, considering the fact
that I am not an html programmer (nor have I done any programming in
over 10 years) and still have no idea how Template Toolkit actually
works.  But I was able to get it done, and it looks pretty cool on the
ePods and looks great on the PC too.

I've done some fairly extensive experimenting with this setup
(wirelessly and hardwired) using Softsqueeze ... the ePods works very
well with one noteable annoyance, that being that it is a fairly slow
web browser ... I guess this is what I get for using circa 1999
technology, but at $110 per ePods I guess I cannot complain much.

Bringing up the main screen is fairly quick ... but bringing up the
"browse albums" or "browse artists" screens can take 6 to 10 seconds
(and to get it down to 6 seconds, I had to reduce the default "items
per page" setting from 50 to 20).

I don't think there is much that can be done to speed this up, the
ePods has a fairly slow CPU and only supports WinCE 2.11 and Internet
Explorer 4.  It is well known for having poor web browsing performance.

Jon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2848
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20201

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