Squeezeslave 0.3 seems to be working fine for me on Win XP - I don't
notice any particular sound quality issues when playing mp3.

Sync with my SB2 is still a little off.  Squeezeslave is somewhere
between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds behind the sqeezebox.  The amount of delay
seems to be pretty consistent, but it may be varying a little bit.

Here is the squeezeslave shell window information:
Found 4 devices
Primary Sound Driver : : 2
NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio : : 2
Primary Sound Capture Driver : 22050.000000 44100.000000 : 2
NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio : 22050.000000 44100.000000 : 2
PortAudio on DirectSound - Latency = 5376 frames, 121 msec

Let me know if there are any recommendations to improve the sync. 
Richard - you mentioned something about adjusting the delay using this

What is the syntax for that command?  My guess would be:
squeezeslave.exe set PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC=50

Thanks again for continuing to work on this!

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