fairyliquidizer Wrote: 
> A little off topic but... 
> DRM could be done in an Open Source model.  The problem is that most
> DRM models involve closed source licence agreements.  So the
> combination of having to occlude methods and the viral nature of the
> GPL mean that the commercial DRM schemes (i.e. the big ones) are
> unlikely to ever feature in the open source Slimserver.

The financial motivation of DRM vendors is an issue, but this is not
the main one IMHO. Technically of course you are right, it could be

But DRM is different in that it needs to grant access in what is
essentially a hostile environment (the user's home). In PGP or even
banking applications, you are unlikely to want third parties to access
the secret, so you as a user are part of the security. Not so in DRM.
You don't care if someone "steals" digital music you bought since you
still have it after the "theft". I don't see how an open source
solution could provide the least bit of assurance it can protect a key
it has to know to do its job...

What makes open source DRM impossible is the inherent inability of an
open source solution to fullfill the financial objectives of those
selling the music.

My 2 cents


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