ourbail Wrote: 
> I just came across the Slim Device product line while seaching some DAP
> sites and like the sound and idea of the Sqeeze box,is there anywhere
> in the S.F bay area where i can check out the goods  of the Sb3,Century
> Stereo,Forum members,,etc,from what i read ,im on the fence,and ready to
> jump,but would love to take a look at one first hand...

I'm not sure where exactly in the Bay Area you are, nor know of any
retailers that carry/sell the SB3.  I'm sure there are also many forum
members nearby that would be happy to give you a demo.

Perhaps easier yet, just order it, use it, see if you like it, and if
not, send it back within 30 days and you'll get a refund.

MrC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=468
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=20997

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