Hi Sean, unfortunately the IMac G3 can only handle 11b.. that's the
problem.. sighh :( with the airport card. I know that the G is a big
bottle neck... That's why I said.. G3 is not a good combo..  Again, I
try to help others, not to blame.. Of course on the G network the
stream is great.. but the connect to the Internet through the Linksys
WRT54G V5 still sucks.. hey to box is wired to the router, their is not
much I can do as an normal user.. just plug in the cable and ready to
go.. or???

.. financially I would love to be your psychiatrist... smile.

seanadams Wrote: 
> Now you're sounding like my psychiatrist!
> In the first case I expect all your problems would be solved by
> upgrading your router to an 802.11g model. It's a relatively minimal
> investment that will really improve througput and range... 802.11g
> makes a huge difference if you're streaming non-MP3/WMA formats.
> I think the honest reality is that it CAN work just great in nearly any
> setup, but some minor tweaks are needed to make it sing. Admittedly we
> are pushing the bleeding-edge a bit in terms of system/network
> requirements, but I don't think the specs we need are expensive or
> difficult to meet.


Boy-oh-Boy-what a Sound
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