I suspect this is a totally lame question, but I figured there were 
enough audiophiles out there who play music from their computer (as
opposed to piping it through an amplifier first) to give me a clue

When playing music from the computer, why does Winamp play my music
significantly "louder" than iTunes at the same set volume levels? Is
Winamp simply more efficient than iTunes at passing the signal to the
sound card and out to my speakers? Does this disparity have anything to
do with perceptible fidelity, particularly at higher volumes?

There's something that bothers me about having to turn the volume up
significantly when I use iTunes. This could have to do with my old
school notions about not turning up the volume too much for fear of
introducing some distortion.

Should I use Winamp over iTunes for playback? Do I have an underpowered
sound card? An inquiring mind wants to know.

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