Perhaps a name change is in order on March 1, when the combined
Squeezebox/Pandora product is unveiled?

"Pandora's Box" would be a memorable product name - in which case,
however, some serious marital discord might ensue, viz.

"Left alone with the mysterious casket, Pandora became more and more
inquisitive. Stealthily she drew near and examined it with great
interest, for it was curiously wrought of dark wood, and surmounted by
a delicately carved head, of such fine workmanship that it seemed to
smile and encourage her. Around the box a glittering golden cord was
wound, and fastened on top in an intricate knot. Pandora, who prided
herself specially on her deft fingers, felt sure she could unfasten it,
and reasoning that it would not be indiscreet to untie it if she did not
raise the lid, she set to work. Long she strove, but all in vain. Ever
and anon the laughing voices of Epimetheus and his companions, playing
in the luxuriant shade, were wafted in on the summer breeze. Repeatedly
she heard them call and beseech her to join them; yet she persisted in
her attempt. She was just on the point of giving up in despair, when
suddenly the refractory knot yielded to her fumbling fingers, and the
cord, unrolling, dropped on the floor.

Pandora had repeatedly fancied that sounds like whispers issued from
the box. The noise now seemed to increase, and she breathlessly applied
her ear to the lid to ascertain whether it really proceeded from within.
Imagine, therefore, her surprise when she distinctly heard these words,
uttered in the most pitiful accents: " Pandora, dear Pandora, have pity
upon us ! Free us from this gloomy prison! Open, open, we beseech you!"

Pandora's heart beat so fast and loud, that it seemed for a moment to
drown all other sounds. Should she open the box ? Just then a familiar
step outside made her start guiltily. Epimetheus was coming, and she
knew he would urge her again to come out, and would prevent the
gratification of her curiosity. Precipitately, therefore, she raised
the lid to have one little peep before he came in.

Now, Jupiter had malignantly crammed into this box all the diseases,
sorrows, vices, and crimes that afflict poor humanity; and the box was
no sooner opened, than all these ills flew out, in the guise of horrid
little brown-winged creatures, closely resembling moths. These little
insects fluttered about, alighting, some upon Epimetheus, who had just
entered, and some upon Pandora, pricking and stinging them most
unmercifully. They then flew out through the open door and windows, and
fastened upon the merrymakers without, whose shouts of joy were soon
changed into wails of pain and anguish.

Epimetheus and Pandora had never before experienced the faintest
sensation of pain or anger; but, as soon as these winged evil spirits
had stung them, they began to weep, and, alas ! quarrelled for the
first time in their lives. Epimetheus reproached his wife in bitterest
terms for her thoughtless action;


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