to the original question:

I've had my 770 for about two weeks.  Like it a lot.  But I get 'dual'
use:  as a sb3 remote and as a web browser.  

web browser - I've been hankering for quite a while for a handheld on
which I could do basic web browsing while wandering around the house or
the office.  (I was foolish enough to buy a Dell Axim for this purpose. 
Yikes! it doesn't work for this at all--anybody out there want one?)
Nothing too exotic--Amazon, Orbitz, yahoo, slim (and other) forums, and
political blogs (which I spend an hour or so every day reading).  Notice
there is VERY limited typing involved above.  As such the 770 is great. 
I can spend 20-30 minutes 'reading' sites on it much more conveniently
then with a laptop on my lap (awkward, too hot, too big).

sb3 remote - I've got 3 sbs.  I love the 770 with Ben's skin as a
remote, wandering around the house turning music on and off in various
locals.  An object of much envy at a recent dinner party.

qualifications - I don't use any of the other software.  I don't really
need to have a lot of browser windows open at once (usually 2 or 3). 
And I don't need to type much for what I'm doing.  I did buy a 1 GB
rsmmc card for it and may try it out as an auxillary mp3 player (so I
don't have to carry yet another charger).

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