jth said the following on 02/16/2006 03:29 PM:

> I've also got proof-of-concept code working to 'fix' the database
> renumbering issue by using a fingerprint of a track rather than
> slimserver's ID number. This is going to take a while to see the
> light of day though.

It's probably worth bringing this to the dev list and discussing.
Persistence of some id across DB scans would be great, but it's not easy.

Some options:

1. Fingerprint - difficult to make unique. Can change if tags change
(unless you only fingerprint the audio part of the file

2. Something from the filesystem, e.g. inode. - difficult to make
platform-independent; can change if file moved

3. Writing a tag to the file containing the Slimserver ID, e.g. TXXX
comment in ID3, SLIMSERVERID in flac, etc. - only works for physical
files (not streams, etc.), requires write access to music library.

I suggest you head over to devel and discuss it there.


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